Business Cash Advance
Have an idea you want to implement to better serve your customers? Cash flow is solid but you just need a little extra to accomplish your goals?
Business Cash Advance can be a quick and easy way for you to obtain working capital for your small to medium size business. With a Business Cash Advance, you borrow money against your future credit card receivables, though it is not considered a loan. You agree to sell a fixed amount of future credit and and debit card sales. The amount of the cash advance available is dependent upon the strength and consistency of your credit card sales. Once approved, you receive a lump sum of cash to use for any business purpose.
- Poor or damaged credit history doesn’t mean you are automatically disqualified.
- Turn around for cash-in-hand is generally three business days.
- This is a “cash flow friendly” option. We get paid when you get paid.
- Rates are fixed.
- There’s never a check to write or late fees to worry about.